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because each is relying on the other to perform the rituals and write petitions. In such alliances, the ghosts
Part Five
of the sorcerers dead relatives will go hungry. The rituals that produce the best results are those
performed either by a single officiant or by a group of twelve sorcerers inside a magical circle.
Personality. When a person learns Chinese sorcery, his personality will change dramatically. For
this reason, one cannot hope to understand a magician's character just by learning his name or determining
his nationality or race. Sorcery principles color a magician's thoughts to such an extent that other sorcerers
are the only ones able to understand his motivation and personality.
Trances. Often, devotees in religious pilgrimages become possessed by deities and fall into a deep
trance. Although ordinary people find this experience hard to duplicate outside religious processions,
sorcerers who concentrate very hard while performing their rituals can attain this detached state of mind.
When this happens, they will feel and see supernatural things that ordinary people cannot.
Fighting against Instinct. A killer's conscience is only troubled when he murders his first victim;
after that, he finds it easier to kill others. Malicious people harden their hearts and develop an immunity
to compassion in much the same way. When a sorcerer detects this character trait in others, he had better
avoid them; otherwise, he will perish at their hands.
Sorcery and the Military. Many Western generals are finally beginning to realize that Chinese
sorcery is no laughing matter and are becoming acquainted with the power of sorcery on the battlefield.
They now understand that sorcery rituals can weaken the enemy sufficiently to allow him to be finished
off with conventional weapons and tactics.
The Meaning of Friendship. Up until a few years ago in China, it was very common to see
youngsters walking hand in hand in the streets, their joined hands a touching symbol of their friendship.
With the passing of the years, this custom has slowly faded away along with other ancient traditions, but
changes in customs are inevitable and not to be feared. What is important is that the respectable meaning
of friendship never changes.
In the old days in China, when two people wanted to be friends, they usually had to participate in an
informal ceremony in which they swore undying loyalty to each other. This was not an empty oath, for
it meant that their destinies would be joined from that day onward and that they would share all
happiness and suffering. It also meant that if one was in a better position than the other, the wealthier one
would help the companion suffering from poverty or disgrace; that if one hated someone, the other would
also hate him; and that if one liked someone, the other would like him as well.
This kind of oath of friendship meant that if one of the friends was attacked with sorcery then all of
his friends were attacked as well. True friendship then, is something that evil sorcerers should be afraid
of and concerned about even today. They should avoid tangling with a man who has many friends, for
one of the friends may take the sorcerer's life if he discovers that he is an evil warlock.
Playing with Fire. Evil sorcerers will eventually have to pay celestial retribution for their negative
actions. They must remember that by unjustly attacking others, they are defying Heaven and the laws of
humanity, and that their actions will not be overlooked by the gods. While short-lived success can be
achieved by soliciting the help of demonic forces, a magician who flirts with evil must be prepared to face
the inevitable moment of reckoning.
The Gods Like to Help People. Individuals who constantly suffer from bad luck eventually reach
a point when they dismiss the existence of divine powers. When these poor people hear about the power
of Chinese sorcery rituals, they seem to be afraid of winning because they are already accustomed to
losing. They force themselves to believe that since they are already shunned by other people, there is no
A Collection of Sacred-Magick.Com
Sorcery Principles: Rituals Change but Do Not Create Things
reason why the gods would want to help them. After all, nobody invites a man in rags and tattered shoes
to ride in a limousine.
But the gods are very interested in helping people become prosperous and happy. They realize that
if they fail to grant people their wishes, no one will be able to offer them spirit money, wine, and food.
The Average Success Rate of Rituals. Although sorcerers around the world practice rituals that
are similar in nature, the results they achieve are not always the same. Some sorcerers receive all they want
from the gods, others receive only half, and the rest receive nothing. A magician's effectiveness is
proportionate to the good or bad nature of his petitions, to the amount of faith he has in the gods, and even
with the time of day or night his rituals are performed. A ritual may also be ineffective if the god to whom
it is addressed is unable to grant the favor asked of him.
The art of performing rituals is similar to the art of fishing; all fishermen cast their nets into the sea
hoping for a good catch but when they pull the nets out of the water, some find them full of fish, others
find them filled with small fry, and the rest find them empty.
Objects of Bad Luck. A person recovering from a streak of bad luck should discard all of the
personal possessions he owned during the bleak period. He should destroy or hide his old clothes, his
tools, and even the cup he drank from, because they have been stained by misfortune.
Crossroads. In any difficult situation, people have four roads to choose from, four different options
for solving the problem. The secret lies in being smart enough to select the correct one. But if the gods are
against an individual, all four routes will prove to be dead-end alleys. Consequently, a magician who is
uncertain about which path to choose should leave the decision to the gods by asking them to guide his
steps with their invisible hands. With their help, he will not feel apprehensive when searching for the right
Lucky People Are Divine. Less than five percent of the population enjoys good luck. Some people
experience good luck because they were born into powerful families, others because they live in places
experiencing an economic boom or in countries with great economic power. Good luck sometimes comes
as the result of an unexpected stroke of fortune, such as winning the lottery or finding a buried treasure.
It may also come because one has married a rich person or landed an important government job. Others
enjoy good fortune because they are being rewarded for good deeds done in past lives. Yet few individuals
who enjoy a stroke of luck can compare themselves to those who can consistently attract good fortune to
their side with the help of Chinese sorcery rituals.
Possessed or Mad? An exorcist must be able to differentiate between an authentic case of
possession and one in which the individual is only mad or insane. If a person behaves strangely, it does
not necessarily mean that his body is inhabited by an evil ghost, he may be mentally disturbed or simply
playing a trick on the sorcerer. Anyone who hires himself out as an exorcist should know how to correctly
identify the symptoms of a real possession if he is to avoid embarrassment. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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