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8. In view of this I must agree with you about the short-sightedness Too many times have I felt at one with Be al in the great dance
of the monotheistic traditions. It does seem to me, however that of time to believe otherwise.
your total rejection of that tradition is unfortunate. Some of my 2. One of the third orders once told me that I was the Mother
most meaningful and mystical experiences have come directly personified, and he was more right than wrong.
from the Christian tradition. 3. Beset as I am by the dross left by centuries of negativity, by fear,
9. I say unto you, Isaac, that magic does not have to be skyclad to guilt, hatred, still and always have I sought the mystic, the magi-
be magic, but can come in the guise of the communion, the cal, the other-worldly contacts in my religious search.
stained glass windows or the Rosary of the Catholics, the hymns 4. In my lives I have gravitated always towards the awareness that
and the baptismal font of the Protestants, or the tremendous would place me in rapport with my innate powers. This search
power of the gathered meeting of the Society of Friends. has been sometimes more, sometimes less successful.
10. Amulets and talismans can be just as powerful and hold just as 5. This life has been a complex search both for what has gone
much potential for the user when they represent the Christian before and what is to come after.
Saints as when they represent the Ancients. 6. I feel a sharp sense of urgency; a great need to consolidate the
11. Do you really believe that the worship of the Virgin holds less masses of information that I know I possess.
power than the worship of the Mother for the true believer? The 7. I need to reawaken the knowledge; the herb lore, the meditational
same spirit answers, the same results occur. techniques, the physical and psychic disciplines I once exercised.
12. You tell St. Francis, St. Teresa, St. Bernadette that miracles (magic) 8. I must do this before it is too late, before the chaos catches up
don t happen in monotheism. You tell the hundreds healed by and hurls us back to the very beginnings again.
faith that their healings weren t real because they appealed to 9. Something slipped up this time around, and I have a feeling
Jesus of Nazareth and not to Grannos or Diancecht. that it was meant to be so, and that someone has arranged a time
13. Verily I say unto you, Isaac, you are a victim of the forces of anti- out, so to speak, form the usual cycle for the express purpose of
faith if you would condemn Christianity as totally negative and re-evaluation and consolidation.
life-denying. 10. Being not foresighted in this life (at least not on a regular basis)
14. I agree that many things have been done in the name of God I have no way of knowing how long this will last or whether I
that ought not to have been done, but atrocities have ever been will ever be given another chance.
committed by humans on other humans in the names of their 11. Therefore, I cannot and will not deny any of the experiences
gods. that are mine. Even the negatives are helpful they have enabled
15. To humankind is given free choice, and to blaspheme in that me to see the shape and manner of the traps and given me the
way is part of the choice and the karma. information need to avoid the ensnarement.
12. I will be free, and none can keep me from it save myself. I am
the savior and the saved, the priest and the penitent, the master
Chapter the SIXTH
and the slave. I have the keys to the locks in my soul.
1. Although the names and forms of the gods have changed over
13. I give thanks in humbleness of spirit that I am, and rejoice that
the ages, anyone who is really paying attention can draw parallels
the awareness that I am has been given to me by the powers that
between the old gods and the Judeo-Christian God. I have al-
ways thought that it was Hera trying to get even with Zeus imag-
ine demanding all that attention!
Chapter the EIGHTH
2. I think you would agree that magic is meaningless (or ineffec-
tive, anyway) unless the participants are all in the same (or very 1. Isaac, be not so defensive in your search. You are loved and
similar) space. accepted by many!
3. The traditional Western ritual which you claim powerless has 2. Be not so concerned that we accept you Neo-Pagan credentials.
tremendous potential for magic and can be quite useful in focus- Of course you know whereof you speak! Don t be such a fuss-
ing the participant s energy. budget about it!
3. Too much do I see you pouting in the corner, poking in rage at
those who disagree with you. Their paths area as valid as yours;
Chapter the ELEVENTH
their karma is their own.
1. We have all been hurt so much!
4. Don t put others down because they chose to go back to Chris-
2. We have been so closed to one another.
tianity. The falling away of the brethren worries you too much.
3. Alas for our generation, for we have come so close in so many
In the end we all take up the search for awareness in the ways
ways, and yet in our defensiveness we have shut ourselves off
that best suit us.
from each other, and we shout the truth but have forgotten how
5. Our duty, joy and privilege is to learn from one another, to love
to listen to the inner voice.
one another, and to share with one another whatever we can in
4. Quakers hear the inner voice; each person hears it differently.
good conscience share.
5. There are as many true voices as the stars in the sky, and each
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